Since I've finished most of the building blocks of my site and now its just small touch ups here and there (and also finishing up some of my projects cough classpectingcough) I decided to see if I could make a webring! So, I did!
Its title is FujoRing Out and its a webring for fujos! And also fudanshis, himejoshis and himedanshis too! I think I'm very clever for the title. You know. Like. Fujoing out. Fujo...ring... out... yeah I'm clever.
It was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be! But of course it did have its difficult moments. I ussed onionring for the base and fiddled around with everything until I thought it looked perfect! And it is perfect: you can see it live on my home page.
Mostly I just wanted something to practice and thought that FujoRing Out would be a perfect starting place since it's quite a niche topic for a webring and mostly just for fun. I learned a lot, though, so I'll likely make more webrings in the future! They're a lot of fun and also I get to make new webpages for them hehe. An excuse to start from scratch every time! That's my favorite thing about webdev, is making New things. It's great fun, really!
Alright, that's all I had to say on that topic. Making a WebRing was fun! I hope to do it again soon.